The Foundation of the Church

Course: The Cross

Lesson 8

Lesson Title:  The Glory of the Cross


Personal Testimony

Stand Fast


Just before Christmas 2002 I went by ship from London to my home in Denmark. I was able to take as much luggage as I could carry so I used my son's rucksack, but I was not used to wearing it on my back. I had to go to the harbour by train, but first I had to travel on the London Underground. When I walked down the platform at the underground train station I passed three young boys about 13 years old who were standing on the platform. They obviously saw that there were loose tassels on the bag on my back and saw an opportunity to have some fun.


I didn't take the rucksack off my back, as it was heavy and very hard to put back on when I needed to get off the train. I stood by the door of the train then the three boys came through the train to the carriage where I was standing and sat on seats nearby staring at me. I knew they were wanting to do something but I wasn't sure what. I was afraid they would try to steal my bag. I moved away from them and stood with my back to them.


I was unaware that one of the boys went silently behind me and tied one of the loose tassels to a bar on the train. A little while later I went to move and found I was stuck. I tried to reach round to loose the tassel but my arm could not reach. The only thing I could do was to take the rucksack off and untie myself. The boys had great amusement mimicking my actions while I was tied to the bar.


The devil works in the same way. He may not be able to stop the Christian from receiving eternal life but he looks for opportunities to stop us from being able to move in our spiritual life. He seeks for ways to bind us so that our walk with the Lord is hindered. The snares can be worldly amusements, bad company, being in the wrong place etc. But we can also become bound in our zeal for 'purity of faith'. If we put this above our relationship with Christ we can become bound by legalism, self righteousness, and become critical instead of covering sins by love.


If a friend had been with me the boys would not have been able to tie me to the bar, and even if they had the friend could have quickly released me. In the same way we need to watch out for one another. The armour of God is given for the protection of the whole body of Christ.


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