Bible Teaching Program

Foundation of the Christian Faith

Course:  Salvation

Introductory Lesson Two


Title:  Christ our Propitiation


Text:  Romans 3:25  'Whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;'


Introduction:  Meaning of Propitiation:  The dictionary defines the word propitiate as 'to appease an offended person'.      

In relation to God, propitiation involves two things.


Introductory Story:  No place for mercy in justice.  The sentence must be carried out to satisfy the righteous demands of the law. 

Three Greek words translated propitiation

·        'Hilasterion' refers to 'Christ as the place of propitiation', Romans 3:25.  He is the mercy seat where propitiation has been made by His blood. 

·        'Hilasmos' refers to 'Christ as the means of propitiation', 1 John 2:2; 4:10.  Christ Himself is our propitiation by His expiatory sacrifice.

·        'Hilaskomai' refers to 'He is able to make propitiation', Luke 18:13.  God is able to show mercy towards the repentant sinner because of the sacrifice of Christ. Hebrews 2:17.


Main Points

1.      The value of the blood.  God's holiness is satisfied by the sacrifice of the sinless Son of God.   

a)     Christ alone is able to make propitiation.  Revelation 5:9-10.             

b)     Christ our propitiation - the place of mercy. The same word that is translated propitiation is translated as 'mercy seat' (Greek Hilasterion).  Hebrews 9:5.


2.      The blood satisfies God's justice.  1 John 2:2. 

a)     The propitiatory sacrifice of the Son of God is the expression of God's love for us.  1 John 4:10.

b)     The propitiatory sacrifice of Jesus is both vicarious (on behalf of another) and expiatory (pay the penalty).


3.      He is able to be merciful.  The blood is able to save the 'whosoever'.  'Hilaskomai' meaning 'to make propitiation'.

a)     God delights in mercy.  Micah 7:18.

b)     The tax collector cried out 'be propitious to me'. Luke 18:13.

c)      The eternal Son of God became man and identified Himself with us so that He could become our High Priest and offer Himself for our sins. Hebrews 2:17



1)     The value of the blood - Jesus is the sinless Son of God

2)     The sacrifice of the cross is both vicarious and expiatory.

3)     The blood is able to make propitiation for the God is able shown to be just in justifying His people.



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