Bible Teaching Program

Click on the Program to see courses








The Bible Teaching Program is a pioneer program aiming to provide resources for teaching ministries. Those who wish to develop their own Bible Teaching Program can use any of the courses without contacting us.



Details concerning available courses can be found in the Program directory

Each course will usually be 10 lessons.

The Bible Teaching Program uses the principle that a teacher only needs to be one lesson ahead of the class, and teaching sessions are informal.



All students should be encouraged to teach during the course, and to use personal experiences and stories whenever possible. This will make the teaching more personal and more effective. For best results classes should not be too big (up to 8 people is a good number) but there can be more than one class running together if leaders are available to help.


Producing Leaders and Ministries

Leadership in the Church should produce leaders, and teaching ministries should be reproductive in producing teachers. Everyone who believes the Bible is called to teach the Bible, to our families, our friends, or wherever the opportunity arises.

This program will help this to happen.