Daily Verse

February 6

He will return for a people cleansed, holy, and glorious.

Hebrews 9:28 'Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who look for Him He will appear a second time without sin unto salvation.'

Jesus will return.

We know because Christ is our life;

His word is upon our heart;

and His Spirit dwells within us.

We are His people.

We love Him because of His great love for us.

He died for us; He took our sin; and gave us new life.

We shall see Him in all of His glory;

no longer the humble servant but King of kings and Lord of lords.

He came the first time to make His people righteous.

He will return for a people cleansed, holy, and glorious.

All who love Him are waiting for His appearing.

February 5