Daily Verse


Prophecy: edification; exhortation; and comfort.

1 Corinthians 14:3 'But he that prophesies speaks unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.' ’

Edification (Greek: oikodome).

'oikos' house, 'doma' to build.

House building. Prophecy is for building us up so we grow in the word.

Exhortation (Greek: paraklesis).

'para' alongside, 'kaleo' to call.

To call to one's side. An exhortation to help us.

Comfort (Greek: paramuthia).

'para' alongside, 'muthos' word or speech.

Speaking closely to someone. A word or speech that gives comfort. It is translated comfort as it is more tender than 'parakaleo'.

May 19