Daily Verse

October 4

The love of Christ will always seek reconciliation not retaliation.

James 1:20 ‘For the wrath of man works not the righteousness of God.’

We must be careful not to react in anger.

Words spoken in anger are soon regretted but can never be retrieved.

When we are moved by the love of Christ

then relationships can be restored;

hurts can be healed;

peace will fill our mind;

joy will fill our heart;

and conviction can lead others to repentance.

The love of Christ will always seek reconciliation not retaliation.

When self sits enthroned in our life

then the works of the flesh will control

our thoughts, our words, our attitude, our manner of life.

When we put on new life in Christ

then His righteousness will be seen in us

through the outworking of a Christ-centred life.

October 3