Isaac Sharp in the Faroe Islands (April – June 1862)

Meetings held by Isaac Sharp and Asbjørn Kloster in the Faroe Islands (April – June 1862)

April 19th - 22nd

Journey to Faroes.

Wednesday April 23rd

Arrived in Torshavn.


Thursday April 24th

The day after arriving in Torshavn, Isaac Sharp and Asbjørn Kloster visited the Governor regarding a Sunday meeting. He granted permission to use the Thing House (Parliament house) for a meeting. The Thing House had been used when they visited Faroe the year before.

They then arranged for a boat and crew to take them to Sandoy the next day   


Meetings on Sandoy


Friday April 25th

Meeting at the Sysselman’s house.

Lutheran pastor also present.

Gave a message of greeting and thanks at the meeting for the guest visitors.

40 people attended

Meeting lasted an hour-and-a-half.


Saturday April 26th

8am held meeting before leaving.

25 attended.


Meeting on Nolsoy

Saturday April 26th

Meeting held at 2.30pm.

About 40 attended.

Asbjørn Kloster spoke.

Left Nolsoy at 4pm.


Meeting in Torshavn

Sunday April 27th

Held in the Thing House (Parliament house) at 6 pm.

Meeting lasted two hours.

Numbers who attended

The population of Torshavn was then approx. 800.

More than 1/3rd of the population of Torshavn attended the meeting.

Estimated that between 250-300 people attended the meeting.

Many of the principal people of Torshavn were at the meeting.

Asbjørn Kloster and Isaac Sharp preached.

Message preached

Theme: ‘Feed on Christ’

Text: "Blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled; Give us this day our daily bread."

In these gospel days, it is the privilege of the Christian to feed on Christ.

In a healthy state of the body and in a healthy state of the soul, true hunger and true thirst will be alike felt - the one for the nourishment of the mortal frame; the other for the bread of life, &c.


Meeting in Hosvik

Monday April 28th

A little meeting between one and two at Hosvik,

30 people gather together.


Meeting in Eidi

Tuesday April 29th

Meeting held in the new warehouse of Frederick R. Wendel.

Meeting held at 9am.

100 people attended.

They are aware that the people listen intensely giving serious attention.


Meeting in Hvalvik

Wednesday April 30th

Meeting held at 8am

About 90-100 people attend the meeting

People are very attentive and still.


Meeting in Kollafjordur

Wednesday April 30th

Meeting held at 5pm in room in house (Rygstue)

About 50-60 people attend.

Much appreciated; expressions of thanks.

Sweet feeling.


May 1862

June 1862