Course Index


Section One:  Background to Modern Missions

1 Introduction - European Expansion (pdf file) (powerpoint)

Roman Catholicism spreads through exploration and reformation. Biblical Christianity advances through the expansion of trade and migration. Notes

2. Pietism (pdf file) (powerpoint)

Pietism and the spread of Protestant Missions. Notes

3. Herrnhut (pdf file) (powerpoint)

Revival at Herrnhut and the beginning of the Moravian Missionary Movement. Notes

4. Evangelical Revival (powerpoint)

The Evangelical Revival and the development of missions. Notes

5. Slave Trade (powerpoint)

The fight for the Abolition of the slave trade and evangelisation among the slaves. Notes

6. William Carey (powerpoint)

Missions in India after 1789 (William Carey). Notes

7. China Missions (powerpoint)

Missions in China after 1789 (Hudson Taylor) Notes

8. African Missions (powerpoint)

Missions in Africa after 1789 (David Livingstone). Notes

9. UK Missions (powerpoint)

Missions in the United Kingdom - George Muller; William Booth; Gypsy Smith.



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