Back to Old Testament indexBIBLE HISTORY
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Course examining the historical background of the Minor Prophets.
Hosea - prophet to Northern Kingdom (755 BC - 710 BC)
Joel - prophet to Southern Kingdom (9th century BC)
Amos - prophet in Bethel, the residence of the King in the Northern Kingdom (end of 9th century beginning of 8th century BC)
Obadiah - prophecy against Edom (848 BC - 841 BC)
Jonah - prophecy in the Northern Kingdom sent to warn Nineveh (758 BC)
Micah - prophet in the Southern Kingdom (735 BC - 710 BC)
Nahum - Prophecy concerning Nineveh (663 BC - 653 BC)
Habakkuk - Prophecy given for worship in the temple (607 BC)
Zephaniah - Prophecy during the reign of Josiah (c. 630 BC)
Haggai - Prophecy given to recommence the building of the Second Temple (520-518)
Zechariah - Prophecy regarding the building of the Second Temple(520 BC)
Malachi - the call to repentance (c.430 BC)
The courses are given as a learning and teaching aid. Teachers still need to work to prepare courses for their own individual needs.
Old Testament History Presentations will be updated continuously.
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