Course examining the meaning of some Greek Words in the New Testament


1. Ekklesia (Church)

The meaning of the word translated Church in the New Testament

2. Logos (Word)

The meaning of logos translated word in the New Testament

3. Rhema (Word)

The meaning of rhema translated word in the New Testament

4. Agathos (Good)

The meaning of the word agathos translated good in the New Testament

5. Kalos (Good)

The meaning of the word kalos translated good in the New Testament

6. Koinonia (Fellowship)

The meaning of the word koinonia translated fellowship in the New Testament

7. Ptochus (Poor)

The meaning of the word ptochus translated poor in the New Testament

8. Hupomone (Patience)

The meaning of the word hupomone translated patience or endurance in the New Testament

9. Diatheke (Covenant)

The meaning of the word diatheke translated covenant or testament in the New Testament

10. Parakletos (Comforter)

The meaning of the word parakletos translated Comforter in the New Testament

Greek Words of interest

Exaleiphein:  to wipe out