Course:  The Higher Calling to Worship (1)

Course Aim:  for the Christian to understand that the highest calling is the call to worship and that he or she will live a life of continuous worship.   

Course Overview: Worshippers

The poem 'Worshippers' expresses the message of the course and can be used as a course outline.

Lesson One: Life of Worship

Lesson Two: Worship in Trials

Lesson Three: The Father is seeking worshippers

Lesson Four: The inner sanctuary where God is 'more present'

Lesson Five: Going up to worship

Lesson Six: Joy the characteristic of worship

Lesson Seven: Joy is the measure of our relationship with Christ

Lesson Eight: Entering into worship: thanksgiving and praise

Lesson Nine: Giving ourselves in worship: the surrendered life

Lesson Ten: Turned around to seek after Christ


Textbook  - The Higher Calling to Worship