Daily Verse

April 9

The resurrected life of Christ dwells within His people.

Colossians 3:1 ‘If you then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sits on the right hand of God.’

The resurrected life of Christ dwells within His people.

The evidence that we are born again is holiness.

If we do not have His life then we do not have His salvation.

The death of Christ cannot be separated from His resurrection.

Christ died for our sin;

He rose again so that we can be united with His life.

He died to be our Saviour; He rose again to be our Lord.

Eternal life is union with Christ.

There is no halfway house.

Holiness is not achieved; it is received freely in Christ.

Salvation in Jesus Christ brings new life.

When we have His life holiness means

choosing daily to let His life be seen in us.

April 8