Daily Verse

August 22

Christ, who is our life.

Colossians 3:4 ‘When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall you also appear with Him in glory.’

When the life of Christ dwells in us

then the power of His life will be seen working through us.

We know we have His life because

His word fills our heart with joy even in hard times;

His love grows in us like a tree producing the fruit of His character;

and His peace makes us unshakeable in the security of His provision.

He does not lead us in the path of our choosing,

He leads us in the path of His choosing so that we will become like Him.

He is preparing His people for the day of His appearing.

On that day the life of Christ in us will be revealed by its glory

but until then it will be known by its fruit.

August 21