Daily Verse

December 1

When we trust in Jesus, we must also trust in His ways.

Luke 1:49 ‘For He who is mighty has done to me great things; and holy is His name.’

When we trust in Jesus, we must also trust in His ways.

His wisdom is contrary to man’s wisdom.

His love is beyond understanding.

His might is seen by the weak things;

His greatness in humility.

He is holy but He does not condemn the unrighteous;

He made a way for us to be righteous in Him.

He did not seek the acceptance of religious leaders;

He had no interest in the self-righteous;

He did not seek approval from the mighty and noble in the world.

He came for an insignificant people and made us His own.

The Lord chooses those who desire Him;

He uses those who seek after Him.

November 30

Thoughts on Luke 1:49