Daily Verse

December 11

In Him we have forgiveness; freedom; and new life.

John 14:6 ‘Jesus said to Him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no one comes to the Father, but by Me.’

Jesus did not come to condemn; it is our sin that condemns us.

Jesus came to make a way for us.

In Him we have forgiveness; freedom; and new life.

It is only when we trust in Christ alone that we experience full assurance of faith.

It is through His sacrifice alone we are reconciled to God.

Our boldness is in Christ.

He puts His word within us so His kingdom is established in our heart.

He makes us unshakeable in our faith.

We know we have passed from death to life

because His life dwells within us.

All that we are is in Christ.

December 10