Daily Verse

December 28

A faithful person is reliable at all times.

Luke 16:10 ‘He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much: and he who is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.’

A faithful person is reliable at all times.

In Christ we are one body; a team working together.

If we seek our own interest, we will be a hindrance to others.

When we are faithful in what is least, we achieve great things together.

If we are faithful to obey His will, we will see His will fulfilled together.

A faithful person is diligent, truthful, trustworthy, and responsible at all times.

Diligence keeps us from missed opportunities;

truthfulness guards us from pretence and hypocrisy;

trustworthiness keeps us from dishonesty and self-seeking desire;

responsibility guards us from foolish and immature behaviour.

December 27