Daily Verse

June 25

The impulsive and sensual desires of the flesh.

Galatians 5:24 ‘And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.’

The flesh refers to the impulsive and sensual desires

that cause us to behave like an animal without thought or reason.

It takes the beautiful and makes it vile;

seeks to spread filth in the mind;

covets wealth;

and obtains worship for the idols of self glory.

It defends the rights of self exaltation;

and justifies the thoughtless actions of a society addicted to pleasure.

When Christ is our life

we can put off the impulsive and sensual desires of the flesh.

We are able to consider them as dead;

crucified and buried with Christ.

We are set free to be holy;

free to walk in new life.

June 24