Daily Verse

November 4

The life of the vine is in the branches.

John 15:1 ‘I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.’

The life of the vine is in the branches.

Religion cannot produce life; and works alone cannot produce fruit.

Christ is the true vine.

He gives life to all who receive Him.

Fruitfulness is produced by growth.

We grow in Christ through His word;

through experience; and through fellowship.

The circumstances of our life are the pruning shears in the Fathers hand.

He will make fruitfulness abound in our life.

It is this fruit that the Father delights in.

It is this fruit that enables the character of Jesus to be seen in us.

When His love, His joy, and His peace abound in us

then people will want to know more about Jesus.

November 3