Daily Verse

November 6

It is our reliance upon His strength that endures.

Hebrews 10:36 ‘For you have need of endurance, that, after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.’

It is not our strength that must endure;

it is our reliance upon His strength working in us that endures.

The Christian life requires character; steadfastness; and determination.

Character is formed by the fruit of the Spirit growing in us;

steadfastness is produced by His power working in us;

and discipleship requires determination

to know His word and to walk in His ways.

It is not easy to take the pressure;

or to remain steadfast in the midst of opposition;

but the reality of our faith will only be seen by endurance.

It is because Christ lives in us that we know we can endure.

November 5