Daily Verse

October 18

Only thirst will lead us to drink.

John 7:37 'Jesus stood and cried, saying, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me, and drink.'

Thirst is a precious gift.

The words of Jesus can open our heart;

the Holy Spirit can open our eyes;

but only thirst will lead us to drink.

The thirst for life is more than a thirst for existence.

It is the thirst for truth, purpose, meaning, peace, joy and assurance.

The thirst for truth may lead us to religion, philosophy, or politics

but these are dry places.

The thirst for life may lead us to seek prosperity or pleasure

but they are empty wells.

Living water is found in Jesus Christ alone.

The more we desire Him,

the more He is able to fill us to overflowing with living water.

October 17