Daily Verse

October 23

In Christ alone we can boast.

Romans 3:27 'Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? No: but by the law of faith.'

In Christ alone we can boast.

No work can change our sinful nature.

No act of penance can make a sinner righteous.

Faith looks to Jesus Christ alone.

Our hopelessness is the doorway to His provision.

Our helplessness is the place of His greatness.

Faith yields full control to Christ.

Faith has no thought to improve a life that is hopeless and helpless;

it stands secure in all that Christ has done for us.

We boast in Him because

His death took all that could condemn us.

We boast in Him because

His life dwells in us and all that we are is in Him.

October 22