Daily Verse

September 20

Effectual prayer comes out of worship in the Holy Spirit.

Acts 4:31 'And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.'

Effectual prayer comes out of worship in the Holy Spirit.

We will see prayer answered to the extent that we worship.

It can be hard to get believers to come to prayer meetings.

Sometimes people attend prayer meetings regularly

but their commitment is in attending the prayer meeting.

God will not move just because we are committed to the prayer meeting.

We need to worship through prayer.

When our prayer meeting is the place of worshipful prayer in the Holy Spirit

then we will see God move in mighty power on behalf of His people.

September 19

The Heights of Worship: The great symphony of worship.