Daily Verse

September 5

The glory that shall be revealed is the life of Christ in us.

Romans 8:18, ‘For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.’

The glory that shall be revealed is the life of Christ in us.

His life is seen in His people right now through the fruit of the Spirit.

His love shows the beauty of His character

in contrast to the self seeking nature of the world.

His peace stands in contrast to the anxiety of a world without Christ.

His joy stands in contrast to a world

that can only find temporary happiness in things that do not last.

When Jesus returns then the same glory that dwells within His people

will be able to shine in our outward appearance.

September 4

Salvation: Glorification

The Fruit of the Spirit: Love the fruit of the Spirit.