Isaac Sharp and Asbjorn Kloster in the Faroe Islands (April – June 1862)

Journal of Isaac Sharp - May 18, 1862


J. C. Durhuus kindly went with me in his boat this morning to Harald, in Harald Sound (Haraldsund) or Kunoe (Kunoy), a small hamlet, four miles from Klaksvig (Klaksvik). As we sailed along, four boats were seen all aiming for the same spot; and, about eleven, a little meeting was held with those isolated islanders; I trust, to their comfort.


In the evening, at five, a meeting was held in a warehouse kindly lent by our host. Thus, from time to time, we are helped on our way; often sensible of many blessings, we are sensible at seasons of privations too. Frequently our own insufficiency is before us; nor are the times wanting, in humble thankfulness, of feeling "our sufficiency" to be of God. I thought the love of our Heavenly Father was near to us at our evening meal, and the expression of a few words, ere the family rose from the table, was well received.