The Higher Calling to Worship

Steve Dulwich


Chapter No.

Introduction: The higher calling to worship

1. The Father is seeking worshippers

2. The inner sanctuary where God is 'more present'

3. Going up to worship

4. Prerequisites for worship

5. Joy the characteristic of worship

6. Joy, the measure of our relationship with Christ.

7. Thanksgiving and praise: The entrance into worship

8. The Surrendered Life: Giving ourselves in worship

9. The Turnaround: Running towards the prize

10. God takes control of worship: The anointing

11. Rejoicing in persecution: United with joy in His sufferings.

12. Rejoicing in the wisdom and power of God: United with joy in His eternal plan and purpose

13. Worshipping with joy in eternity: United with Christ in His glory

14. The desire of worship: That I might know Him

15. The prayer of the early church: The great symphony of worship

Conclusion Concluding notes: Worshipping in the Holy Spirit

Epilogue An overview: Worshippers

Scriptures are taken from the King James Version.

Some texts have been slightly modernised.