Daily Verse

April 5

The will of the Father was the way of the Son.

Luke 22:42 ‘…not my will, but thine, be done.’

The gift of God in Jesus is beyond comprehension.

It was the Father’s love that sent His Son.

It was the love of the Son for the Father that willingly obeyed.

The barrier of sin could be broken no other way.

In Gethsemane the will of the Father was the way of the Son.

He held back nothing so that we could be redeemed.

At Calvary the way of the cross became the path to life.

The grave could not hold Him.

He arose for us so that we in Him could be made completely new.

He ascended for us

so that we can be seated with Him in heavenly places.

One day soon Jesus will return

and all who belong to Him will be with Him forever.

April 4