Daily Verse

July 30

Meekness not hierarchy.

3 John 9 ‘I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loves to have the pre-eminence among them, receives us not.’

In Christ we are one body; a team working together;

building each other up; and encouraging one another.

Meekness will allow every person in the body of Christ

to fulfil his or her ministry.

It will never be threatened by what the Lord is doing

in and through the lives of others.

It will rejoice to see others anointed of the Spirit of God

for the work of the ministry.

All of the Lord’s people are to be involved in ministry.

There is no place for hierarchical leadership in the body of Christ.

We are workers together; reaching out to a world that needs Jesus.

See also Numbers 11:29

July 29