Daily Verse

June 19

The things that are well pleasing to the Lord.

Ephesians 5:10 ‘Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.’

The fruit of the Spirit must be produced through growth.

It is the life of Christ in us.

It stands in contrast to the works of the flesh.

The fruit of the Spirit welcomes examination.

Its purity is seen clearest in the light.

The works of the flesh entice and seduce;

they corrupt and destroy;

they elevate selfish pride;

and bring hostility and division.

They cover themselves with a hypocritical mask

that hides their true character.

They are like the insects that despise the light

and crawl under the dark places.

If we keep our heart from the works of the flesh

then the fruit of the Spirit will produce in us

the things that are well pleasing to the Lord.

June 18