Daily Verse

June 20

The unfruitful works of darkness.

Ephesians 5:11 ‘And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.’

Fellowship with the works of darkness

will put us in danger of being drawn into them.

The more acceptable they become to us,

the less able we will become in standing against them.

Familiarity will break down the defences of a godly life.

They are called works of darkness

because the light exposes them

but the darkness hides them.

They are unfruitful because they are destructive by nature.

We know there is forgiveness in Christ; He is able to restore us;

but He has lifted us above the shame of sin and its pleasures.

We should never allow ourselves to be drawn towards them.

We should be as lights in the world exposing their true character.

June 19