Daily Verse

November 17

We are not to be timid, cowardly; or fearful.

2 Timothy 1:7 ‘For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.’

In Christ we can be courageous in every circumstance.

We can be confident in uncertain times.

We can speak with authority when there seems nowhere to turn.

We can have boldness in the face of hostile opposition.

We are not to be timid, cowardly; or fearful.

We trust not in our strength but in the Lord’s.

His word is our mighty fortress.

He gives us power to do His will;

He fills our heart with His love

so we need never react in a wrong manner;

and He gives us wisdom and understanding

so we need never be afraid of the things we may face.

November 16