Daily Verse

November 20

Blessed; reviled; persecuted; falsely spoken against.

Matthew 5:11 'Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake.'

It is not for Christians to revile; persecute; or speak falsely against others.

We are blessed and we carry this blessing to all who will receive Christ.

If we elevate ourselves and seek our own desires

then the world will recognise itself in us.

If we love Christ more than the pleasures of the world

then it will see we are different.

We will be reviled when faithfulness to Christ

means more than the prosperity of the world;

we will be persecuted when truth

means more than friendship with the world;

and we will be falsely spoken against

when obedience to Christ means more than personal advantage.

November 19