Daily Verse

November 25

Diligence is the hallmark of faith.

2 Peter 1:5 ‘And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;’

Diligence is the hallmark of faith.

We trust in the finished work of Jesus alone for salvation

and because of this we are diligent to let His life be seen in us.

There are many who confess Christ

but seek only the temporal blessings of health; wealth; and happiness.

The evidence that a person has experienced salvation in Jesus Christ

is diligence to put on Christ and to grow in Him.

We put on Christ by walking in new life

and by not allowing any place in our life for wrongful and selfish desires.

We grow in Christ through knowledge of the scriptures;

by obeying His will;

and through Christian fellowship.

November 24