Daily Verse (June 21, 2012)


Title: Being diligent to walk by the straightest path.

Text: Ephesians 5:15

Introduction: Meaning of circumspectly is diligence; taking care, following the straightest path. (Greek: akribos)

Illustration: The cruise ship Costa Concordia.

A great shipwreck happened because the captain brought the ship too close to land to wave or salute friends or relatives on land. Our Christian life can end up shipwrecked if we allow ourselves to be drawn towards the standards and friendships of the world.

1. Holiness not legalism.

Holiness is the freedom of new life in Christ. It is the life of Christ dwelling in me. Legalism is the bondage of having to follow the compulsory obligations of the law.

Illustration: A notice was put up for a meeting, 'Those who wish to attend are free to do so. Those who do not wish to attend are compelled to do so.'

2. Growth and discipleship.

Growth comes through the life of Christ in us. Discipleship comes through obedience to His word. As we grow in Christ then we must put on Christ. Perfect fruit is produced by growth and discipleship.

Illustration: Picking fruit. I enjoyed eating the fruit from a cherry tree until I saw a hole in one of the cherries. When I opened it there were two maggots inside. The fruit no longer appealed to me.

If we have growth without discipleship then our fruit will be infested with maggots or our tree will not produce fruit at all

If we uphold discipleship without growth then we will never pass a certain level in our walk with Christ. When works replace growth then it is easy to become judgmental of others.

Illustration: Breaking the sound barrier.

The build up of sound will destroy an aircraft that tries to break the sound barrier unless it is designed to go through it. Concorde was taken out of service but it was a majestic plane. In the same way the Christian can only go through the growth/ discipleship barrier by relying upon the life of Christ in us and not on our efforts. It is the barrier that takes us from living for Christ into the realm of Christ living His life in us.

Many Christians never go through this barrier. Without humility and brokenness it is not possible to go through.

3. Wisdom not foolishness.

Wisdom is to keep our hearts and minds filled with the word of God. If we hide His word in our heart then it will keep us from becoming shipwrecked with the world. Wisdom will always seek to obey His will and not follow after the standards of the world. Foolishness disregards the will of God and follows the leading of selfish desires.

Illustration: Nike 'Just do it'. That is the recipe for disaster. We don't just do it, we walk in the light of God's word and keep ourselves from the foolishness of a sinful life.

Conclusion: Holiness requires growth and discipleship. We must use all the provision that we have in Christ. If we follow the standards of the world we will fail. If we seek to obey His will and walk in His ways we will prosper.