Daily Verse

June 21

Being diligent to walk by the straightest path.

Ephesians 5:15 ‘See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,’

Circumspectly means being diligent to walk by the straightest path.

This is not legalism.

It means to put on Christ in our daily life;

to let His love control all our actions;

to stand firm in the armour He provides;

to fill our hearts and minds with His word

so that we know His will and walk in His ways.

It means to take care that we are not swayed by the standards of the world

or deceived by its words.

Wisdom acts in accordance with the mind of Christ

but foolishness has no regard for the will of God,

seeking only to fulfil the desires of self.

June 20

Message outline (Ephesians 5:15)