Isaac Sharp and Asbjorn Kloster in the Faroe Islands (April – June 1862)

Journal of Isaac Sharp - April 19-22, 1862

Left Middlesbro', accompanied by my friend Asbjorn Kloster, soon after nine on Saturday morning, April 19th, 1862. At Darlington a demand was made of 34s (£1.70) for overweight of luggage. The departure of the steamer having been announced to take place before the advertised time prevented any part of it being forwarded by the merchandise train. We reached Grangemouth about six in the evening, and secured beds at Wallace's Hotel, as the captain of the Arcturus kindly suggested we should be more comfortable there than amidst the bustle of a loading ship, intended to sail on the following evening. It felt a considerable disappointment not to be able to get to either Edinburgh or Glasgow, for a part of Sunday with our friends of either place. We sat down by ourselves in the forenoon, and were, I thankfully believe, enabled to wrestle for a blessing, and to renew our trust in the mercy and loving-kindness of the Lord. The feeling was instructively present-

"Safe in His keeping on a bed of down,

Safe in His keeping on a stormy sea."

About six we embarked, and the vessel (Arcturus) shortly after left the quay. Among the passengers was C. W. Shepherd, who was one of our pleasant travelling companions on returning from Iceland last year. It was a calm, still evening, a lovely twilight was succeeded by a clear atmosphere and cloudless sky. Meteors were flashing, and the stars, in the absence of mist, shone out with brilliancy. We have an interesting gentleman on board, who with his wife are on their way, for the first time, from Copenhagen to Faroe; we have thus an opportunity of becoming acquainted with the Governor of these islands, he being on his way thither in that capacity. He is kind and courteous, and speaks English fluently. Before rising from supper the first chapter of Hebrews was read. A few remarks followed, which appeared to be well received, ten persons being present, and most of them understanding English. The night invited to remain on deck, and it was eleven ere some of us retired for the night.

April 21st-- Anchored off Peterhead about ten. We had a fine run of sixteen hours to this place from Grangemouth. Most of the passengers went on shore; the sun shone brightly, and it was very warm. Here I saw John Ritchie, who is an Icelandic trader, and has long felt a desire for the further circulation of the scriptures in Iceland. It was my privilege to be able to tell him of the intention of the Bible Society to print 10,000 copies of the New Testament and Psalms. Set sail again at three. In the interim a cold east wind had sprung up, which so far increased as to drive me off to bed at six.

April 22nd.-- A rolling sea, with a fair wind, accompanied by considerable tossing, in bed all day.